Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Long before humans knew writing and reading ...

God has given through the sign above sketch coretannya natural opal gems patterned media "Letter U" long before human beings recognize text ...


Natural opal gem visible from the front side of the motif "Letter U" on it ...

Why does this answer the letter U represents the Universe ...


Natural opal gem visible from the back side ...

Here I present the history of man long before writing know that I quoted from the Indonesian state, so the long journey of a man just to recognize letters, here's the story:

Prehistoric or nirleka (non: no, careless: writing) is a term used to refer to the period in which history is written is not yet available. Prehistory can be said to be originated at the time of the formation of the universe, but it is generally used to refer to the period in which there is life on Earth where humans started living.

Boundary between the prehistoric era is starting the writing of history. This gives rise to a sense that is a prehistoric era before the invention of writing, while history is the time after the post. The end of prehistory or history to the time of the commencement of any nation in the world is not the same depending on the civilization. One example of the Egyptians around 4000 BC the people already familiar with writing, so at that time, the Egyptians had entered the era of history. Prehistoric period in Indonesia is estimated to expire during the founding of the Kingdom of Kutai, around the 5th century; evidenced by the inscriptions found in the form of Yupa Mahakam River, East Kalimantan recently entered the era of history.

Because there are no written records relics from prehistoric times, information about the age obtained through such fields as paleontology, astronomy, biology, geology, anthropology, archeology. In the sense that the evidence obtained only pre-history of the items and the bones in the excavation of historical sites.

Archaeology is the study of past life through artifacts objects. From the results of research by archaeologists, the prehistoric veil Indonesian society can be known. Based on the archaeological excavations of prehistoric era can be divided into two, namely, the age of the rock and metal era.

Stone Age

Stone Age occurred before the metal is known and especially cultural tools made of stone and wood in addition to the bone. This stone age diperiodisasi into 4 times, among others:

Old Stone Age

Old stone age (palaeolitikum) so called because the stone tools manmade still roughly trimmed, not honed or polished. When viewed from the corner of their livelihoods, this period is called period of food gathering (collecting food), the people still living in nomadic (moving) and do not know farming.

There are two cultures that is the benchmark of this age, namely:

    Culture Pacitan (Pithecanthropus)

Ngandong culture, Blora (Wajakinensis and Homo erectus Soloensis)

The resulting tools include: ax handheld / perimbas (group chopper / cutter), tools from animal bone or antler and stone Flakes of Chalcedon (for peeling food)

Middle Stone Age

1. Characteristics Mesolithikum times:

    a. Nomadic and still perform food gathering (gathering)

    b. The tools produced almost the same as the age palaeolithikum still a rough stone tools.

    c. The discovery of the hills shells on the beach called Kjoken Mondinger (kitchen waste)

    c. Mesolithikum age tools such as: Axe handheld (Pebble), short ax (hache Courte) pipisan (grinding stones) and stone axes from the split times.

    d. The tools above are found in Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Flores.

    e. Mesolithikum cultural tools found in the cave Lawa Sampung, East Java called Abris Sous Roche, among others: Flakes (Tool flakes), the tip of the arrow, pipisan, square axes and tools of bone.

2. Three important part of culture Mesolithikum:

    a. Pebble-Culture (cultural tool of hand-held ax Kjoken Mondinger)

    b. Bone-Culture (cultural tool of Bones)

    c. Flakes Culture (cultural tool flakes of Abris Sauce Roche)

3. Supporting human culture is a nation of Papua Mesolithikum - Melanosoid

Younger Stone Age

The main characteristics of the stone age Young (Neolithic) is a means of manmade stone is honed or polished so smooth and beautiful. The resulting tools include:

Rectangular axes, such as pickaxes, hoes, and the torah which many found in Sumatra, Java, Bali, Nusa Tenggara, Maluku, Sulawesi, Kalimantan,

    Stone axes (square-necked ax) from Minahasa,

  Jewelry (bracelets and necklaces of beautiful stones) found in   Java,

    Bark cloth

    Pottery (stoneware Belaga) found in Sumatra, Java, Melolo (Sunda)

Neolithic human supporters are Austronesian (Austria), Austro-Asia (Khamer-Indochina)

Big Stone Age

This era is also known as megalithikum age. Megalithikum culture results, among others: 1. Menhir: stone monument was built to worship the spirits of ancestors. 2. Dolmen: putting a stone table of offerings for the spirits of ancestors worship ceremony 3. Sarchopagus / casket or coffin (lid-shaped dimples) 4. Punden: 5-storey shrine. Grave stone: casket made of large stones that can be opened and closed 6. Statue / sculpture stone: symbols to express their faith

Metal era

At times people have been able to make metal tools of metal on the side of the stone tools. People are familiar with techniques fused metal, print a desired tools. Metal tool making techniques are of two kinds, namely the so-called rock molds of bivalves and with clay and wax molds called a cire perdue. This period is also known as the public perundagian arise undagi skilled group doing handwork. Metal era is divided into:

Bronze Age

    In the bronze age or who is also called the Dong Son culture-Tonkin China (cultural center) is already ancient humans can mix copper with tin in the ratio 3: 10 in order to obtain the metal harder.

    Bronze tools at this time include:

        a. Funnel ax (bronze ax, including class tooling equipment) was found in South Sumatra, Java-Bali, Sulawesi, Selayar Islands, Irian

        b. Nekara Bronze (Moko) is a type of boiler used as a dowry. Found in Sumatra, Java-Bali, Sumbawa, Bread, Selayar, Leti

        c. Bronze Benjana found in Madura and Sumatra.

        d. Bronze statue found in Bang-chew of betel (Riau), Lumajang (East Java) and Bogor (West Java)

Iron Age

At this time people have been able to smelt iron from its seeds to be poured into the tools required. Technique of smelting iron harder than copper and bronze smelting techniques because iron melt requires very high heat, which is ± 3500 ° C.

    Iron tools were produced, among others:

        a. The ax eye wood limbed

        b. Blade

        c. Sickle eye

        d. Eyes Sword

        e. Hoe

The tools found in Gunung Kidul (Yogyakarta), Bogor (West Java), and Punung Besuki (East Java)

Metal era in Indonesia is dominated by the tools of bronze age metal that is also called the Bronze Age. Iron tools were found in the days of small amounts of metal and shaped like a bronze tools, because most iron tools, found in historical times.

Between the time of Neolithic and metal age megalithic culture has evolved, the culture media using large stones as tools, even the peak of megalithic culture even in the days of metal.

And with a long history is a patterned natural opal gem "Letter U" below :

 Appreciated: $ 1,000,00, - (one thousand United States dollars).

It is suitable for those of you who initials the name of the letter U, or the leader of a company that has the logo "U", because it is very rare at all, accompanied by a certificate of gematology.

And for the price you can negotiate with :

               email address   :
               Mobile phone   : (+ 62) 823 - 7708-8818.
               Home Address :
                                            City of Palembang .
                                            Province of South Sumtra
                                            Country of Indonesia 


50% of sales to charity.
I serve this natural gem delivery to worldwide with free charge.
Payment can be made via Western Union or bank transfer.
Or you want to meet and discuss more about this gem we can make appointment first.

1 comment:

  1. Jauh sebelum manusia tahu menulis dan membaca ...
    Allah telah diberikan melalui tanda di atas sketsa coretannya alami opal permata bermotif media "Huruf U" jauh sebelum manusia mengenali tulisan ...
    Natural opal permata terlihat dari sisi depan motif "Huruf U" di atasnya ...
    Mengapa jawaban ini huruf U mewakili alam semesta / Universe ...

    Natural opal permata terlihat dari sisi belakang ...
    Dan dengan sejarah panjang adalah bermotif alami opal gem " Huruf U" di bawah ini:
    Dihargai: $ 1,000,00, - (seribu dollar Amerika Serikat).
    Sangat cocok bagi anda yang inisial nama huruf U, atau pemimpin perusahaan yang memiliki logo "U", karena sangat jarang sekali, disertai dengan sertifikat gematology.
    Dan untuk harga, Anda dapat bernegosiasi dengan:

    alamat email:
    Ponsel: (+ 62) 823 - 7708-8818.
    Alamat Rumah:
    Kota Palembang.
    Provinsi Sumtra Selatan. Negara Indonesia

    50% dari penjualan untuk amal.
    Saya melayani pengiriman permata alami ke seluruh dunia dengan biaya gratis.
    Pembayaran dapat dilakukan melalui Western Union atau transfer bank.
    Atau Anda ingin bertemu dan membahas lebih lanjut tentang permata ini kita bisa membuat janji terlebih dahulu.
