Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Fantastic price for an investment of natural gems !!!

10 gems most expensive in the the world :

1. The Allnatt Diamond

Is diamonds measuring 101. 29 rust (20. 258 g) with pillow cropped, assessed in a color as Fancy Vivid Yellow by the Gemological Institute of America.Intan this named after based name of one holder, Maj. Ernest Alfred Allnatt, a soldier, sportsman, art protector and helper. Although is not precisely known where originated Allnatt, many experts believe that thing it probably be found in place which now known as the De Beers Diamond Mine Premier.The origins of Allnatt not known before purchased by Major Allnatt in beginning of the year 1950. After buy diamond, he commissioned Cartier to make arrangements for it. Last settings is platinum flower with five petals, two rods and leaves, all arranged with diamonds. The Allnatt this bought and sold in auction in May 1996 by Christie's at Geneva amounted to 3 USD, 043, 496 U.S.. At the time of its sales in Allnatt is 102. 07 rust (20. 41 g) and assessed Fancy Intense Yellow. After sold to Siba Corporation, diamond it back is cut became heavy at this time and intensity enhanced as a a result.Price: 3 Million dollars United State.2.Red Moussaief 

Moussaieff displayed as part of the Smithsonian's "The Splendor of Diamonds" exhibition, in addition to De Beers Millennium Star and The Heart of Eternity.Moussaieff Merah was reported discovered by a farmer Brasil in river Abaetezinho in 1990, in the a area known as the Paranaiba Alto who has a reputation as a source big and beautiful colored diamonds. Basis rough, this diamond believed to 13. 9 carats (2. 78 g).This diamond purchased and was cut by William Goldberg Diamond Corp, in where he went with its original name Shield Merah. Currently owned by Moussaieff Jewellers Ltd.Moussaieff Diamond who red is the diamonds sized 5. 11 rust (1. 022 g) with cutting the an triangle which brilliant (sometimes-sometimes called Trilliant trillion or cropped), was given color as Fancy Red by the Gemological Institute of America. Although this may seem relatively small if compared with famous diamond another, which Moussaieff Red is the, in fact, Fancy Red largest reports GIA has a value.Price: 7 Million dollars United State.

3.The Heart of Eternity

Is diamonds sized 27. 64 rust (5. 528 g), color assessed as "Fancy Vivid Blue" by Gemological Institute of America. The Heart of Eternity was cut by Steinmetz Group, which has a diamond such before sold into De Beers Group.The Heart of Eternity is member of class colored diamonds which very rare. Moment it was was found in Premier Diamond Mine South Africa. Blue (Type IIb) account intan less than 0. 1% of the output of the Premier mine, which constitute one-sole mine in the the world with diamond production blue who quite. Of the ten colored diamond who interesting highest bid, six from ten it diamonds blue, value of-value rating as high as 550 USD, 000 become 580 USD, 000 per carat ($ 2750-2900 / mg).The Heart of Eternity this inaugurated on month of January 2000 as part of a De Beers Millennium Jewels collection of, which covers Millennium Star. The Heart of Eternity is feature with ten diamonds other blue; collection blue diamonds achieve the 118 rust (23. 6 g). De Beers Millennium Jewels who displayed in London's Millennium Dome along the 2000. Effort stole collection of on 7 November 2000 successfully thwarted.During exhibition in Smithsonian, Reviews the Heart of Eternity this was recorded borrowed from private collectors, so that raises speculation that it is already sold during exhibition in Millennium Dome in London.price of: 16 Million dollars United State.4.Wittelsbach Diamond

Known also as Der Blaue Wittelsbacher is diamond with 35. 56 rust (7. 11 g) intan blue with VS 2 clarity who has been appreciated by aristocrats Europe for centuries. It has been become part of the gems both by Austria and Bavaria.Color and clarity has been compared with the Hope Diamond. This diamond sized 24. 40 mm with diameter and 8. 29 mm in depth. 82 facet has been arranged in an pattern atypical. Segi stars on crown who split is vertically and pavilions have sixteen needle-such as facet, arranged in a pair, pointing to the direction of the outside from terms of culet.Price: 16. 4 Million dollars United State.5.The Steinmetz Pink

Is diamonds with heavy 59. 60 rust (11. 92 gram), was given color as Fancy Vivid Pink by Gemological Institute of America. The Steinmetz Pink is the diamond the largest who known to have been given Vivid Pink. As a a result from the scarcity which extraordinary this, Steinmetz Group very the liver-careful for cut the Pink during 20 months. Moment it was introduced in Monaco on May 29th, 2003, within a public ceremony.Price: 25 Million dollars United State.6.De Beers Centenary Diamond

On 273. 85 rust (54. 77 g), diamond third largest has been manufactured in Premier Mine. The Centenary Diamond classed is based on the level of D color as the color by Gemological Institute of America, which is the highest grade intan are not colorless and internally and externally without impeccably. It given the name Centenary Diamond like who presented in rough for Centennial.The Centenary Diamond this was inaugurated at the end in May 1991.Price: 100 Million dollars United State.

7.Hope He-mond

Is diamond big with 45. 52 rust (9. 10 g), housed in Museum Natural History Smithsonian in Washington, DC Hope Diamond blue with eye the naked because the amount of trace boron in inside structure the crystal, but exhibition red phosphorus in under rays ultraviolet. This case classified as a Type IIb diamond, and famous because of considered to become a curse.Price: 350 Million dollars United State.8.The Cullinan

Is the rough diamond quality largest gem who ever found, with 3, 106. 75 rust (621. 35 g).Stone polishes the largest from stone gems named Cullinan I or Stars Firstly African, and on 530. 2 carats (106. 0 g) is diamond largest in the world until in 1985 the discovery of Golden Jubilee Diamond, 545. 67 rust (109. 13 g), also from Premier Mine. The Cullinan now mounted in the head with wooden stick the Cross. Largest gem second from the stone Cullinan, Cullinan II or Small Star African, in 317. 4 carats (63. 5 g), is the largest diamond fourth in the world. Both jewel were in Crown Jewels from Kingdom of the UK.Price: 400 Million dollars United State.9.Koh-I-Nor

Which means "Mount Light" from Persia, also spelled Kohinoor, Koh-e Noor or Koh-i-Nur is diamond 105 carat (21. 6 g) that was once known diamond largest in the world. Kohinoor originated in Golconda in state parts of Andhra Pradesh in India. This case belongs to various Sikh, Mughal, and ruler Persia who fought with fierce on it at various points in history and seize as war damaging time and again. After properly-completely ignore the Maharaja Ranjit Singh's will it eventually confiscated by East India Company and become part of the Permata Mahkota the UK when Prime Minister England declared Benjamin Disraeli, the Queen Victoria India on 1877. It is legend that anyone who has the Koh-i-Noor will master the the world.Possibility curse who relating with ownership from diamond date of back to text Hindu which relating with appearance confirmed first of diamond in 1306.Price: Maybe Tak Invaluable (It one of one of the gems crown British!)"He who owns this diamond will own Reviews the world, but will also know an all its misfortunes. "He who has a diamond this will have the the world, but also will know the everything misfortune. "Only God, or a woman, can wear it with freely. "


10.The Sancy

Colored yellow pale constitute diamond 55. 23 rust (11. 05 g), never been famous belongs to to Great Mogul ancient times, but is more tend to origin India's who was cut because which does not usual with Western standards.Shaped shield stone consists from two back-to-back crown (which typical upper part a stone) but does not have the resemblance whatsoever for a pavilion (the bottom of the stone, in under belt waist or parts of middle the body).Price: Maybe Invaluable.



Why jewels on top so expensive? The answer is of course because of the natural gem in the very limited edition and has exceptional beauty.
And of course our natural gems later the price will continue to skyrocket in price because of a very rare, hand-painted by the maestro God directly by geological processes over millions of years to staining and painting the arrangement so that the results can be offered for you all this time.

Paintings mankind several centuries old can be rewarded with a fantastic high and, if a work of God in the media painting original jewel naturally with up to millions of years of natural processes and produces clear images and an outstanding and can be perfectly presented here is not a travel and easy job and easy ways.

Jewel clear, luminous colors and crystals are more common in the market gemstone, jewel with models painted by the hand of God with very similar and very beautiful and artistically difficult to find in the market, very limited edition, let alone without the results of engineering, both from the natural process of staining as well as other techniques done by natural processes running in time due to millions of years olds.So if you have a natural gems painted by maestro Lord you are the owner of this may be the only gem models like this in this world, so proud and blessed are you because you lucky people in this world !!!


And for the price you can negotiate with :

               email address   : yentigoods@gmail.com
               Mobile phone   : (+ 62) 823 - 7708-8818.
               Home Address :
                                            City of Palembang .
                                            Province of South Sumtra
                                            Country of Indonesia (30124)

Note that I refer to is our special collection of gems and rare instead of 10 (ten) gem above.

50% of sales to charity.
I serve this natural gem delivery to worldwide with free charge.
Payment can be made via Western Union or bank transfer.
Or you want to meet and discuss more about this gem we can make appointment first.


1 comment:

  1. Mengapa perhiasan di atas begitu mahal? Jawabannya tentu saja karena permata alami dalam edisi sangat terbatas dan memiliki keindahan yang luar biasa.
    Dan tentu saja permata alam kita kemudian harga akan terus meroket di harga karena sangat jarang, tangan-dicat oleh Allah maestro langsung oleh proses geologi selama jutaan tahun untuk pewarnaan dan lukisan pengaturan sehingga hasilnya dapat ditawarkan untuk Anda sepanjang waktu ini.
    Lukisan manusia beberapa abad dapat dihargai dengan tinggi fantastis dan, jika karya Allah di media lukisan permata asli alami dengan sampai jutaan tahun proses alam dan menghasilkan gambar yang jelas dan luar biasa dan dapat sempurna disajikan di sini tidak pekerjaan perjalanan dan mudah dan cara mudah.
    Jewel jelas, warna terang dan kristal lebih umum di pasar batu permata, permata dengan model dilukis oleh tangan Tuhan dengan sangat mirip dan sangat indah dan artistik sulit untuk menemukan di pasar, sangat edisi terbatas, apalagi tanpa hasil rekayasa , baik dari proses alami pewarnaan serta teknik lainnya yang dilakukan oleh proses alam berjalan dalam waktu karena jutaan tahun lamanya.Jadi jika Anda memiliki permata alam yang dilukis oleh maestro Tuhan Anda adalah pemilik ini mungkin satu-satunya model permata seperti ini di dunia ini, begitu bangga dan berbahagialah Anda karena Anda orang beruntung di dunia ini!
    Dan untuk harga Anda dapat bernegosiasi dengan:
    alamat email: yentigoods@gmail.com
    Mobile phone: (+ 62) 823 - 7.708-8.818.
    Alamat Rumah:
    City of Palembang.
    Province of Sumtra Selatan.
    Negara Indonesia (30124)
    Perhatikan bahwa saya maksud adalah koleksi khusus kami permata dan langka bukan 10 (sepuluh) permata di atas.

    50% dari penjualan untuk amal.
    Saya melayani pengiriman ini permata alami untuk seluruh dunia dengan biaya gratis.
    Pembayaran dapat dilakukan melalui Western Union atau transfer bank.
    Atau Anda ingin untuk bertemu dan mendiskusikan lebih lanjut tentang permata ini kita dapat membuat janji pertama.
